Thursday, February 23, 2012

subway art blocks

I LOVE subway art and decided to a few blocks as a thank you gift for a few people who went above and beyond when I had my baby.  I then created a friend block for some wonderful girls who wanted to give blocks as Christmas gifts and then....I created a Christmas one that I gave as a neighbor gift this past Christmas.  I wanted to share them with you and put the instructions here so you can enjoy them as well.  I put 5 on a sheet and you need to make sure you print them using a lazer ink jet printer or the ink will smear when you modge podge it.
*sorry about the picture quality*

click here for LDS subway art sheet
click here for Christmas subway art sheet
click here for Friend subway art sheet

1.  buy as many 2x4's as you will need
2.  cut them 6" lengthwise
3.  sand
4.  paint your block
5.  I like the rustic look, so I sanded my edges
6.  modge podge the paper onto the block, wait for it to dry and then modge podge OVER the paper and block
7.  I prefer using torn fabric pieces, but you could also use ribbon, and tie it to the block.


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