Saturday, May 22, 2010


My friend, Melanie and I get together about every week and work on projects. Yesterday we made purses. I have a purse I LOVE! My favorite purse EVER! But, my mom brought it back to me from China and it's gotten really worn. This pattern looked similar to my China purse, so I made it. I LOVE the material I got. Thanks to Melanie for picking out the red :)
It turned out pretty cute. It's a little smaller than I'd like, but it's a good purse. I added LONG handles so I can wear it across my chest....that was my favorite part of my china bag.
This is the link we used to make our purses.
Not super impressed, but it was free, so I'm not going to complain.
wait! I bugged me that she didn't tell us how much material to buy.
so, here's what I bought:
main: 1/2 yard
red polka: 1 yard (but I think I could've gotten away with 3/4)
fusible fleece: don't remember....but 1/2 yard would be enough
interfacing: 1 yard

Oh, and read the directions on the tutorial...don't skip steps :)

1 comment:

Brooke said...

oh this is so cute! I have been keeping my eye out for a new purse... never thought about making my ideal purse. I do like the shape. I just might have to go to the fabric store and find the perfect fabric for the perfect purse!