Wednesday, April 28, 2010

chalk mats (again)

I posted these on my blog awhile ago and made some for the boys for Easter. I was going to do a tutorial because I couldn't find one anywhere, but I didn't. It took me too long to figure out what I wanted to do and by the time I'd figured it out I had a few hours to get them done for the Easter bunny to put in the boys baskets :)

SO, I bought 1 yard of the chalkboard material. I think I spent $8 on it. Then, I went home and used the dimensions of a placemat I have and cut the chalkboard material to that size. I got some scraps that I had and cut them an inch bigger than the chalkboard on each side. I folded the fabric over so the edge barely touched the chalkboard and I ironed it. Then I folded it over so it was OVER the chalkboard about 1/2 an inch and I sewed it. Oh, and before you sew it make sure you add a piece of ribbon to hold it shut.

Opinion: The chalkboard doesn't work great at first, but the more it gets used the better the chalkboard.

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